Payment methods of Emancipia
With the objective of providing a better service, Emancipia has different payment methods. Emancipia is a company committed to government recommendations linked to the fight against fraud, tax evasion and money laundering. This is why Emancipia never accepts or realizes cash transactions.
1.Bank credit or debit card
In order to pay any amount of money using your bank credit or debit card, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Access this link
Step 2: Type in your data.
Name: User name.
Concept: (Ex.: “Room to rent code” o “Cleaning service + Accommodation code”).
Amount in €: (Amount in Euros).
Step 3: Confirm your data
Step 4: Payment method of Sabadell bank
After this moment, we enter in the bank payment platform. Introduce your card data and follow the instructions.
In order to pay any amount through Paypal, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Access this link
Step 2: Type in your data.
Name: User name.
Concept: (Ex.: “Room to rent code” o “Cleaning service + Accommodation code”).
Amount in €: (Amount in Euros).
Step 3: Confirm your data
Step 4: Payment platform of PayPal
After this moment, we enter in the payment platform of PayPal. Introduce your bank card data or use your PayPal account and follow the instructions.
3.Bank transfer
If you prefer to pay by transfer, these are our bank data:
Bank: Sabadell bank
IBAN/Account number: ES23 0081 5500 2600 0137 9339
Account holder: Emancipia Servicios de Alojamiento
During the transfer it is essential to indicate:
Who realize the transfer: User name
Concept: (Ex.: “Room to rent code” o “Cleaning service + Accommodation code”).
4.Bank office
If you prefer to make a payment directly in a bank office, these are our bank data:
- Bank: Sabadell bank
IBAN: ES23 0081 5500 2600 0137 9339
Account holder: Emancipia Servicios de Alojamiento
- Bank: Santander bank
IBAN: ES25 0049 6590 5127 9508 9492
Account holder: Emancipia Servicios de Alojamiento
During the payment it is essential to indicate:
Who realize the transfer: User name
Concept: (Ej.: (Ex.: “Room to rent code” o “Cleaning service + Accommodation code”).
I am forever indebted to you for this infoomatirn.