This article can help you to find out who might be your room-mates.
Emancipia’s main users are members of the university community (students, researchers and professors), although, it is also possible to find other groups of young people looking for an affordable accommodation, such as FP students, workers, visitors, etc.
Those groups are characterized by their short stays linked to the academic periods, professional practices or employment contracts.
Regarding shared apartments, Emancipia generally encourages users with similar profiles to share the same accommodation.
The majority of Emancipia users are undergraduate and graduate students looking for a shared accommodation. Their periods of stay are generally from September to June, although, some also stay in the accommodation during the summer months.
Exchange students
Every year, the university also attracts many exchange students. Their periods of stay are usually one or two semesters (September – February – June).
Researchers and professors
Researchers and professors are a much more heterogeneous group in which we can find doctorate students or professors with their families. This is why their periods of stay vary from a few months up to several years.
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