Standards of good use and coexistence

A) Standards

  1. Each resident must respect the right of others: to housekeeping in common areas, to rest and keep silence when necessary, to privacy and mail confidentiality and telephone conversations, to freedom of expression, to respect and fair treatment, and to religious freedom and practice.
  2. Is forbidden to enter to the room of a home mate if you are not authorized by the occupant of the room. You cannot take personal belongings from your mates unless you previously requested (bathroom stuff, personal food, etc).
  3. The last person leaving the flat should lock the door.
  4. You must not make any noise from 23:00, so you should turn down the volume of: TV, stereos, telephones, etc. Do not shout at night when talking to your home mates.
  5. All kind of parties in the flat are banned.
  6. When social gatherings are organized in the flat, there can’t be more than 6 people in the flats of 2 rooms, and no more than 9 people in flats of 3 bedrooms.
  7. You must not take or deal with drugs at home, and it’s totally prohibited to abuse of alcoholic drink in social gatherings.
  8. Any theft, use of physical/psychological/verbal violence shall be enough reason for breaking the rental agreement, and for the termination of any agreement on the provision of contracted services, and will mean the expulsion from the flat.
  9. Emancipia is not responsible for items or money that can be stolen in the flat. We recommended you not to leave personal belongings in common areas or accessible view to people from outside the fat.
  10. Hazing is totally prohibited and such behaviour will be sanctioned as major fault or very serious fault.
  11. At peak times, bathroom should only be used for having a shower, using the toilet or washing your teeth. You should be made in your room (or other place) tasks as straightening your hair, playing video games, read the newspaper, plucking eyebrows, etc.
  12. You cannot be naked in the common areas of the flat, and when you leave a common area, you should leave it clean and tidy.
  13. All flat members may self-regulate the households such as cleaning of the common spaces, cooking, throw the garbage to the bin, etc.
  14. Prior notice, Emancipia staff can access to the common areas in the flat to verify the compliance of rules. In addition, you will also be advised to take regular reviews of the condition and cleanliness of common areas and rooms. Exceptionally, only if there is evidence of serious or very serious faults, Emancipia staff can access the rooms. If it is detected any act or omission that could result in unhealthy situations or jeopardize the safe operation and maintenance of the flat, Emancipia may intervene to fix the situation, running with the costs of all members of the flat.
  15. If you had hired cleaning service, you must respect the time allotted for it, and should leave all those spaces free and clear to be clean. The cleaning of: bathroom, kitchen, rooms and other spaces, will be reflected in the following terms:
  • Kitchen. Staff only cleans the tools that are inside the dishwasher or in the sink, without leftovers and with some water so that the dirt does not stick.
  • Bathrooms and toilets: the tools and personal effects must be collected.
  • Bedrooms, hallways and living room: the floor should be clear of consoles, luggage, clothing, and anything that interferes. Likewise, the tables or tables that are desired to be cleaned must be cleared.
  1. Day or night visits from family and friends, when last more than 10 hours or occur more frequently than 1/week stays will be considered as stays. Stays of outside people are totally prohibited. Special situations may be considered when the stay is made by the couple, the parents, tutors or siblings of the resident, or the stay is occurring in holiday and that person is the sole occupant of the flat at the time. In any case stays longer than 24 hours must be agreed with the other occupants of the flat and must have the approval of Emancipia.
  2. When leaving the house the tenant must not leave personal effects, trash or food. You must clean your room and other rooms in depth although not professionally cleaned, order furniture and other belongings and leave things tidy as close to how he found it. It is important to check the drawers and cabinets to not forget anything. If you have spotted any possible harm or damage caused you must inform in advance to find the best possible solution.
  3. Emancipia reserves the right to establish specific rules on each flat.


B) Misconduct


  • A lack of respect, treatment impropriety, to be inconsiderate, or any kind of behaviour which does not meet a minimum decorum, directed towards anyone in the flat or to an Emancipia Team member.
  • Failure at comply with general or specific rules of the flats concerning:
    • Reduced sound schedules, respect of peak times in bath or others.
    • The order, preparation of spaces and / or individual responsibilities in the operation of the flat.
    • The limitations on the number of people in social gatherings that are made on the flat.

Gross Misconduct:

  • The repetition of 3 or more minor faults.
  • Impede repeatedly the study time or sleeping hours of your home mates in the flat.
  • The undue delay in payments under the contract.
  • The Introduction of animals in the flat without Emancipia’s consent.
  • The introduction and the consumption and / or possession of any drug or narcotic substances not legalized.
  • Cause of action / neglect, or malfunction unhealthy situations, in the bathroom and the kitchen particularly.

Extreme Misconduct:

  • The repetition of 2 or more major faults.
  • Any kind of aggression or physical / verbal / psychological violence occurring in the flat or anywhere if it is addressed to another user or Emancipia
  • Causing deliberate or as a result of irresponsibility or neglect, significant damage to property of the building of which is housing.
  • The commission of theft, robbery or misappropriation on the flat or Emancipia


C) Sanctions

For committing Misconduct:

  • Verbal warning and / or written.
  • Correct the fault detected (clean the dirty place, tidy spaces, etc).

For committing Gross Misconduct:

  • Changing the flat and / or temporary suspension of the residence on the floor for a period not superior to 1 month.
  • Partial loss of the deposit.

For committing Extreme Misconduct:

  • Temporary suspension of the right to be on the flat for a period not superior to 2 months.
  • Lost the deposit.
  • Dismissal of the flat.

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